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Curriculum Goals

The early years in a child's life set the time for future learning. Our curriculum is created to provide an overall framework for learning in all developmental areas. It focuses on providing each child with instruction and activities that are the pre-requisite for all learning, especially in the core subjects — reading, writing, and math.

Once a month, upper class secondary students present a Bible lesson as part of our mentoring program. Preschool students love the opportunity to learn from high school students.

Our curriculum is intended to address all developmental domains in an integrated and cohesive manner and prepare our students to engage in Northside Christian School's academic college-prep program. Our preschool classes primarily use the Bob Jones University Press Curriculum for Pre-K and Kindergarten.


Curriculum Overviews


Bible stories from Genesis and creation through the ascension of Jesus, weekly chapel

Heritage Studies

Pilgrims/Indians, myself, my family, our nation, holidays, friendship


Weather, water, air, animals, insects, day, night, seasons, color

Language Arts

Discussion skills, positional concepts, rhyming words, colors, story sequencing, name recognition, picture interpretation, dramatization of stories, tracing letters, recognition of letters A - Z, isolating and producing the sound of letters A - Z, visual discrimination, auditory discrimination, listening, and following directions.


Counting and recognizing numbers 0 - 20, counting backwards, classification and comparison, 1 to 1 correspondence, shapes, money values, telling time and measurement, developing and counting patterns


Proper rest, nutrition, exercise, safety on playground, transportation safety, fire safety

Center Activity Time

Autumn, Christmas around the world, snow, mittens, grocery store, seedtime, planting, oceans

Physical Education

Daily games relating to unit theme, exercise


Songs and musical activities relating to unit theme, tempo, dynamics, double and triple meter, matching pitch


Art and craft activities relating to units studied, painting, coloring, cutting, drawing, pasting, tracing


Read to weekly by librarian

Special Events

Fall hike, Thanksgiving friendship feast, Christmas celebration, Henry the hand, 100 days of school, Valentines card exchange, Peter Rabbit day, field day


The portfolio will contain a sampling of your child's work. This collection of work along with a teacher's assessment will give you an overview of your child's abilities and help to determine strengths and weaknesses


Language Arts
Phonics and Reading

Recognize, isolate, and pronounce alphabet letters, short and long vowels and consonants, read (say) and spell one and two-vowel words and consonant blend words, phonics rules, read and spell 30 sight vocabulary words, read sentences and stories with one and two vowel words and consonant blends

Manuscript Writing

Upper and lower case letters A-Z, printing words and sentences

Readiness Skills

Year long development and acquisition of the following reading readiness skills: color, positional words, tracing, same / different superlatives, rhyming words, predicting outcomes, sequencing / ordering, classifying and matching; activities to enhance visual, auditory and motor skills


Introduce sentence punctuation and story structure, compose sentence stories from real-life experiences and classroom activities, introduce poetry


Listening skills, story sequencing, using the context, drawing conclusions, detecting the sequence, getting the main idea, getting the facts, orally answering comprehension questions


Matching, comparing, separating, joining


Count, recognize and write 0–100 sequencing, count by 5's and 10's to 100

Number Values

Greater / less than, before /after

Telling Time

Use of calendar, days of week, clocks, telling time to the half-hour

Money Values

Values of pennies, nickels, dimes

Addition and Subtraction Facts

Solving and composing simple story problems, addition 0-8, subtraction 0-5, writing horizontal and vertical equations

Social Studies / History

Pilgrims, community helpers, my family, safety at home, safety at school, safety at play, presidents, our country

Thematic Units

Apples, pumpkins, Thanksgiving, corn, Christmas, mice, snow, penguins, kites, April showers, ducks


Plants, seed time, animals, groupings (mammal, reptile, etc), characteristics, seasons


The 5 senses, hygiene, nutrition, food groups


Scripture memorization (25 verses), catechisms #1–45 and their principles, doctrines of inspiration, salvation, creation, and the fall, attributes of God, Jesus' boyhood and miracles. Weekly chapel.

Physical Education

Developing motor (large and small) coordination through games and specific skills. Taught by physical education instructor.


Hymns, concert program pieces, choral. Taught by music instructor.


Theme oriented to go along with units of study or seasonal projects, painting, chalk, crafts, collages, drawing, modeling clay. Taught by art instructor.


Introducing books, check out books, where books are located in the library. Read to weekly by librarian.

Preschool Handbook

Preschool Handbook