CHAPEL at Northside Christian School
Chapel lasts approximately 40 minutes and is presided over by the principal or designated teacher. A spiritual message or story will be presented by a pastor, visiting missionary, or Christian worker. No student is excused from chapel and every student is expected to bring his Bible and to be attentive.
Chapel is a “family devotions” setting that supplements the child's home and church life. In addition to chapel, Bible class is an integral part of the Northside Christian School curriculum.
For our wide age span of students, we provide three separate chapels weekly. The Preschool and Lower Elementary (Pre-K — 3rd), Upper Elementary (4th — 6th), and Secondary (7th — 12th) grades have chapel every Thursday morning.
Bible Version Policy
For all grades, parents may choose from one of these five versions of the Bible for students to keep and use at school:
- King James Version (KJV)
- New King James Version (NKJV)
- English Standard Version (ESV)
- New American Standard Bible (NASB)
- New International Version (NIV)
The English Standard Version (ESV) will be used in the classroom and for group oral recitation and memory practice.
For grades 2 through 6, parents may choose from one of these three versions for their child’s oral or written tests: KJV, NKJV, ESV.
For grades 7 through 12, parents may choose any one of the five versions for their child’s written tests.